Relief Society

I went to the Women’s Relief Society celebration tonight. I was feeling pretty emotional and fragile. I found myself searching for some refuge and I found it. It was so nice to be surrounded by so many women in many different stages of life who I know love me, support me, and in many ways can teach me how to be a better wife, mother and person. I was asked to give a prayer to open the meeting. After the prayer I felt so strongly that I am bigger, stronger, and more capable than I am on my own because of the support system of the Relief Society sisters. I feel like I flounder so much even with such a great organization to support me. I do not know how other women manage without it!

Posted by on March 2nd, 2011

My best friend

As soon as Chad walked in the door tonight I fell apart. He listened to me sob about my responsibilities, my weight, my worries, my goals. He encouraged me and complimented me. He listened to me and validated me. He found ways to lighten my load. He took care of me. Then he sent me off to take care of myself.

I often find myself wondering at how I ever made it with out him. He does so much for me and my life is infinitely better and happier with him in it.

Posted by on March 2nd, 2011

Alden’s Blessing

The day after Christmas we were able to give Alden a baby blessing in my mom’s ward. Jeff Parry and family came down from Anacortes; Gramma Sophie, Aunt Kim Stabler and Cheryl Meckley came too. Many of the Osborne’s were in town–a family that was our “extended” family all growing up.

Both Jeffs and Chad participated in the blessing. It was so nice to have my whole family in attendance. I do not remember that ever happening before. It was nice to finally have him blessed. It took us six months to make it happen. Now if I could just remember to turn in his membership records…

Mom and I also got to sing a beautiful duet arrangement of “What Child is This.” It was so nice to do it together. Hilary (Osborne) Kruetz played the accompaniment. It was so nice to make music with her again.

Posted by on February 9th, 2011