O Christmas Tree

We celebrated Christmas at home with John, Renee, Jordyn and Jason the day before we flew up to Seattle. Holidays are sure to become more animated and enjoyable now that Eden is coming of age. We had a lovely time together.

Up in Seattle we took a trip to see Santa Claus. The whole family took turns waiting in line for at least an hour. As soon as we went to take a picture with Santa Eden clung on to Chad for dear life. So we got a family shot instead of one with just the kids.

We had a giant seafood boil for Christmas Eve. That is becoming a fun messy tradition in the Church household.

Some family came over for Christmas day. I started feeling pretty lousy. I went to bed early and missed out on the fun. Too bad.

Eden had a great time discovering each present one at a time. She kept saying “oooh.” Everyone was really generous and thoughtful.

Posted by on February 9th, 2011


My emotional climate is subject to changes in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure. I cycle through seasons of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Frozen stillness and emptiness generates a delicate blossom; new and fragile. Newness becomes familiar, familiar becomes forgotten, forgotten becomes frigid and lost.

I am coexisting in different hemispheres.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

I am overwhelmed, exhausted and weary yet blessings were never more abundant.

I miss having personal space. I am a jungle gym for jumping, climbing, dodging, kicking, etc. I live my life by a clock of feeding times, sleeping times, and everything in between. I answer the same questions and give the same directions infinite times. I wait for relief only to discover I am on the clock 24/7. When I rest my brain is occupied with how I can be and do better. Ignoring and delegating leave me feeling overwhelmed and inadequate.

But, ahh, the very best of the very best of times! To sing songs to a two year old as she winds down for sleep. Excitedly turning over and over in her bed only to stop and give a quick but tender peck before asking for another tune. Answering the call over and over of a little girl who longs to be with me and share all the exciting discoveries she makes. Watching the joy surge through her body when she is permitted to go wake up her little brother. Seeing how he convulses with happiness to see his big sister, his Papi, his Mama. What completely innocent and beautiful elation!

These beautiful children who have changed my identity and daily stretch my capabilities remind me that these are the best of times.

Posted by on February 6th, 2011

Problems Need Solving

Last week I read Are You My Mother? to Eden. The baby bird walked by a rock and didn’t see his mother behind it. Now that Eden has figured out what is going on in that story, she explained her solution, “Mama bird need to move rock.”

Posted by on January 10th, 2011