Seattle Trip

We got to go up to Seattle this weekend. Eden and I flew all by ourselves on Thursday morning and Chad followed on Friday night. My dad just retired so he has a lot more time off. It’s fun to think of him having so much free time and being able to use it however he wants. One of his first projects is a handcrafted rocking chair for Eden. It was a pleasant change to have him pick me up from the airport. We went to Ivar’s for lunch and some how it felt just like the times we would go out together on his days off when I was younger.

Jeff turned 30 on Thursday and we all went out for Indian food. Lauren made an amazing pistachio cheesecake to celebrate. It was low key but it was nice to be together.

Dad and I went for a walk in the park earlier in the day. We had to drag Eden away from the little bridge where Dad showed her how to throw rocks in the creek. She couldn’t get enough of it. Dad found a turtle in the middle of the road on our way back. We put it in a little kiddie pool but by the next day it (and a catfish Daniel and his friends had caught) had been snatched! Poor creatures probably were taken by raccoons which is not a favorable way to go.

We ended up doing a trip up Stevens Pass on Saturday. We did more driving than “doing” but the weather was amazing and I got a few nice long motorcycle rides as passenger with my Dad and Daniel. Going on those trips makes me think about getting a motorcycle license myself.

We played some family Bocce ball on Sunday before the weather turned back to rain. I enjoyed showing off Eden’s new skills and words. Everyone else enjoyed teaching new things. She sounds so cute when she tries to say Lauren’s name and Daniel is so pleased that he taught her where her chin is.

Posted by on May 19th, 2010

Sick Eden

Eden decided to get a fever last night. She has been in bed all day long. Poor girl. All she has done today is periodically whimper for help. That’s what a fever of 102 will do I guess. The fever came out of nowhere. We have no idea where she got it. Thankfully she felt up to a short shopping trip for the necessary groceries and a little walk around the block. It seems to have broken now. An hour before bedtime and she finally is interested in doing things and is telling us all sorts of stories. More and more it seems like her babbling is about things she is trying to narrate for us. It’s so cute how she waves and gestures to get her point across. I am so glad she is feeling better.

Posted by on May 19th, 2010

Mama’s Day

We had a great time up in Idaho Falls for Mother’s Day. We decided to surprise Renee with a visit. Right as we drove up John opened the garage door and walked out. There went our plan of leaving Eden on the doorstep while we rang the doorbell and hid.

Jordy and I did a little musical number for Renee. Eden surprised me by coming home from nursery saying “Mama” and with a great handprint picture for me. Chad wrote me a note (my very favorite thing) and he found me a great elliptical machine! I got to talk to my mom on our drive back to Salt Lake. The drive to Idaho Falls still seems so short, so we think about it almost every weekend.

I’m so glad to be able to tell Elisa what a great Mama she is. Eden’s a lucky girl. Happy Mother’s Day!

Posted by on May 19th, 2010