Memorial Day Weekend

Chad and I had been eagerly anticipating a trip up to his family’s cabin over the holiday weekend for a few weeks. The weather didn’t really cooperate but we had a fantastic weekend anyway.

We arrived in Idaho Falls early enough on Friday to jump on the trampoline with Eden and get her to bed at a reasonable time. The drive goes fast, and we had a new audiobook. Then we went with Jordy to see Iron Man II.

Saturday it rained and rained so our plans for the cabin were thwarted. We went to the museum and saw the “Wolf to Woof” exhibit. Eden loved all the doggies but the real draw was the kids room with tunnels, teepees, and other hands on pioneer tools.

Chad was able to go to his cousin’s own endowment session and I stayed home for a nap.

In the evening we played games and then Michael Scoville came over for a visit. It was great to visit with him. Michael is such a good friend, even though we don’t keep in touch regularly. We talked about high school and kids and finance.

Sunday morning was our chance to go to the cabin. It was still pretty muddy and wet out but we had a great walk. Eden loved throwing rocks and running around. It was so cold in the cabin and our grand plans of having Eden go on the motorcycle with her Papi didn’t work out. Eden was not loving the idea of going near the loud motorcycle.

On our way home we stopped at the Lovell ranch and went on their giant slides. Eden went down the smaller of the two huge slides all by herself until we pulled her away. It was a little freaky letting her go down alone. Looking down at her from above and watching her fly away down the slide makes your heart race. By the time we left we had thoroughly dusted and slicked up the slides. I flew off the end and so did Eden on our last few runs. On a random side note, there were the most beautiful brightly yellow colored birds there. I loved to see them!

We arrived back to IF in time for the family dinner at Chad’s parent’s house. Eden loved playing with all the kids and managed to keep herself entertained and out of trouble. I was ready for a quiet empty house by the end. It was so nice to see so many people.

On Monday the weather was nice enough for us to get out together. We coaxed Eden into strapping onto Chad in our carrier for a bike ride and she LOVED it. We went to a few play grounds and even managed another bike ride right before we left Idaho Falls. Eden is addicted to swings and slides. She tries to go wherever the big kids go. Sometimes she had to be rescued from a tall ladder. It was so great to get out together like that. We have to find a bike seat for Eden now!

Posted by on June 2nd, 2010

Independent Eden

Eden is so fearless. She will just walk away and go explore. We were at the park the other day with the Prices and Mascaros. Eden decided she was just fine on her own. Rachel and Jess asked how far she would go. I’m afraid we do not know because she always goes so far away that we have to go get her before we find out. I am glad she is self-confident and feels so secure and independent but it is getting more difficult to catch up to her. She is fast! She had a wonderful time finding the mud puddles and getting thoroughly splashed with mud.

Earlier in the day I had started to mow the backyard lawn. Eden played for a bit on the deck and then she went inside. I didn’t worry since we have made the house so kid-friendly so I finished up and then spotted my neighbor Linda and chatted with her for a bit.

When I did go check on Eden I went inside and gasped! It shocked her and she probably would have cried had I not burst out laughing. She had gotten into my unpacked suitcase from our trip this weekend and found my makeup. She had lipstick and mascara all over her face and head. It was a good thing she still has two eyeballs after her attempts to use mascara like I do. It was an absolutely fantastic mess!

Posted by on May 19th, 2010

New skills

Eden recently started to say “jump, jump!” She hadn’t quite mastered her ability to actually do the action yet. But with a lot of practice she now jumps every chance she gets. We’ll have to get that on video. The only thing even cuter is watching her try to skip. She looks like a galloping toddler. 🙂 She loves to get help to jump from higher platforms too. Thankfully she is asking for help!

Eden also is saying a ton of words now. She does sounds for all sorts of animals. We still chuckle that her first animal sound was “cock-a-doodle-doo” but my favorite one to hear is when we ask what a bear says. She replies with a short “Raa!” It makes me grin every time.

Posted by on May 19th, 2010