Moving Day

We are really happy with our new home in Murray. The best part about moving has been meeting all the neighbors. It’s such a friendly area. Eden found several little playmates that were happy to swing with her or color with her. Everyone made us feel at home.

The neighborhood is everything you could want to raise a family. There is a fantastic creek going through it, which brings ducks (and ducklings), quail and apparently some other fun wildlife. I am enjoying all the little creatures as much or more than Eden.

Eden can’t get enough of the house and going outside to play. She runs everywhere now that she has the space to do it. That’s the main reason we wanted to move this year. Eden can play and we can watch her while we relax.

We have room for visitors again!

Posted by on April 26th, 2010

More Baby Steps

Today was one of the best, sunniest days that we have had this spring. Eden and I went for a walk around the block. Eden steered us towards the apartment office along the way, and convinced the staff to give her a treat.

Eden liked the flower beds near our apartment. She bends towards them and makes an emphatic “Sniff-Sniff-Sniff” sound. The flowers usually don’t have a scent, but that’s just what she does now. Around the flower bed was a three-inch-wide concrete strip. Eden put her little shoes side-by-side on it. Then she tried walking around it. I saw her play her first game of Don’t-Touch-the-Ground.

After we got home it was bath time. Every time I tried to take off her shirt, she started to cooperate but then pulled her arms down and resisted. I finally realized that she didn’t want help getting undressed. She wants to do it all by herself!

Posted by on April 9th, 2010

Stupid Uninsured Drivers

I went to look for our insurance policy for our Camry today. I couldn’t find any record of it in my email. Then I looked out in our car and I couldn’t find the proof-of-insurance cards. Turns out that we had only insured our Lexus! The Camry was running without a net. We went online and took care of it right away. We’re really not that irresponsible, are we? I know we’ve been busy lately, but I had no idea we were being criminally neglectful.

Posted by on March 28th, 2010