White Christmas

This was the first white Christmas that we have ever seen in Seattle. The roads were horrible the whole time. We were lucky that Parry’s were able to come. They spent 17 hours on the road and on the side of the road for what’s supposed to be a 12 hour trip.

On Christmas Eve, Gramma Sophie and Jeff and Lauren spent the night here at Church’s. It was still snowing enough that we were afraid the roads would be impassible on Christmas. We don’t remember what we did.

Presents were fun on Christmas morning. I got a RC plane that I haven’t tried out yet. Elisa gave me a Sedaris book I wanted. My big present to Chad was a $3 oil vial. 🙂 Three days after Christmas I gave Elisa the DVD that I ordered but had been delayed in the mail. 🙂 We did good. 😉

There were some fun presents to see opened. We got everyone go-cart racing. They had to put together puzzle pieces that were attached to their matchbox car present. Daniel gave us all tickets to the same concert he was given tickets for on his birthday. And then there was the enormous scavenger hunt for Dad’s Apple computer. He had to use his GPS and his metal detector. One of the clues was submerged in the lake and anchored to a tree branch with string. It was pretty cool. They whole time we had to trudge through the snow.

The Parry side celebrated Christmas on the 27th at the Hilton. We snagged a boardroom. Elisa and I got a digital camcorder from my parents. They forgot we had already gotten one (practically unused) for our wedding. There’s no reason to have two camcorders, no matter how cute Eden is, so we will exchange it. We gave Sophia a kick bike, and I think Elisa and I were the most excited about it. Jeff didn’t let us assemble it because then he wouldn’t be able to transport it back to Idaho. 🙁

Posted by on January 2nd, 2009


[Impossible] Do you have any idea how hard it is to take a picture of an infant’s mouth? Didn’t think so. It took 6 sessions over 2 days and 150 wasted photos. And we had to improvise a blindfold so that the flash didn’t blind our helpless little model. 🙂

So what’s the big deal? There are signs of incisors already appearing! Yes, they are months early. That’s the part that is truly impossible. Eden is only 2 months old today. She is showing all the symptoms, like drooling and refusing to eat. When we put lidocaine on her gums she calms down and takes food. We didn’t believe it ourselves, so we had to get some photographic proof. Look for the 3 white dots on each side of her bottom gums.

Posted by on November 15th, 2008

To Our Family

We have a great family. We know we do. We need to apologize to them right now. Our last blog post hurt a lot of people in the family. That was not our intention. Our praise and thanks in the post were meant for our loved ones. We were very careful with our wording and trying to keep things positive but we realize it didn’t come across that way.

The sadness we felt during the election was specifically related to the belief that sometimes it is OK to do immoral things for a moral cause. If you feel that doesn’t apply to you, then it wasn’t meant for you. I can see how our post sounded like a blanket judgment. Really we were writing about very specific circumstances. It made us so sad partly because it was so rare.

We’ve had a lot of chances lately to talk to family and friends about political issues. We are sincerely grateful to everyone for sharing their beliefs. We keep coming to you or asking you because we respect you! Our family members are good examples of people who care about this country and want to see it moving in a moral direction. We agree with them 100%!

We don’t all agree in our political opinions. But that’s not what’s important, is it? The important thing is that we value each others’ opinions.

Posted by on November 12th, 2008