Perpetually Funny

Eden’s older cousins taught her that you can change song lyrics and make them into something funny. Once something is funny to Eden, it keeps on being funny. Forever. So she has been singing, “Twinkle, twinkle, little star, / How I wonder… what-you-had-for-breakfast!” Over and over and over. And over again.

Posted by on August 9th, 2011


Alden started to communicate a little bit last weekend. He just learned to wave goodnight when it’s time for his nap. Now if I ask him whether he’s ready for his nap, he’ll wave to me and whoever is nearby if he’s tired. That’s the first time he’s been able to signal to us.

Alden will probably be walking within the next week. He is taking three and four steps at a time before falling. He is practicing all day.

Posted by on August 4th, 2011

Bathroom Talk

Yesterday Eden was at the other end of the house screaming. She yelled, “Private parts! PRIVATE PARTS!!!” Elisa explained that she was OK. She just knows that she is only allowed to talk with “potty words” when she is in the bathroom. So sometimes she walks in the bathroom and binges on saying the words that she’s not supposed to use. Then when she’s done, she comes out of the bathroom and doesn’t use them anymore. For us, it’s fine, because she’s following the rule to the letter, and it’s nice for her to have found an outlet.

Posted by on July 16th, 2011