
Erika Weibel in the ward was so nice this week and invited us to go to the temple with her and her daughter Witny. The temple is an hour and a half drive from Zürich, and they close at noon. (On a Saturday!) So we arranged for them to pick us up at the train station by our house at 7 am. The next morning my alarm went off with a funny sound. I looked at it, and it was Erika, calling us. She wanted to know where we were. It was already 7:15 am. Oops! We hurried fast into our clothes. At 7:20, the real alarm finally went off. Oops again! We got on the road at 7:30, after running to the train station. Pretty good for wearing heels. I felt so bad because they didn’t have time to shop for temple clothing at the distribution center like they had wanted. It was a much more relaxing visit than the last time. I was really worried about returning to the temple after we went in March. It cost a lot to travel there, the temple clothes we rented were expensive, and the multiple languages heard all around all through the session were intimidating. After my always peaceful visits as a temple worker to the Seattle temple I wasn’t prepared for the multilingual Swiss temple experience.  Once I knew how it would all play out I was able to really enjoy being in the temple again.

Posted by on September 3rd, 2007