School, Scrolls and Salmon

Well, we have no idea what happened the first half of the week besides the normal. But I suppose the remainder of the week makes up for that.

I finally got the materials for my student development course I need to finish before I can start real classes again for my major. I did two of the nine lessons on Thursday and Friday. It feels good to get them done.

On Saturday we went to an exhibit called the Dead Sea Scrolls. There were a billion million people there which made it a bit slow to go through the exhibit. It also made the exhibit seem more boring than it probably really was. We got to see the actual Dead Sea Scrolls. Well, parts of them anyway. It was especially exciting to see the scrolls from the creation in genesis and the burning bush part of Moses where Jehovah says “I AM THAT I AM.” The number “2000 years” seems really big when you are talking about something that people wrote down. I thought it was hard to fathom. They pretty much all looked like pieces of beef jerky though. I had been reading up a lot on the Scrolls, especially last year. I think in the end I had more fun reading the transcriptions on the Internet than seeing the original manuscripts. They were really small and dark.

Our garden is starting to go to sleep for the winter. We are picking some of the last of our dahlias, moping over all the tomatoes we can’t possibly keep up with, and joyfully harvesting the few other surviving vegetables. We managed to keep three bell peppers alive, though they are a bit scrawny, and we pulled up a bunch of carrots last night. Lots of tiny ones and one big one.

There’s this thing up in Issaquah called Salmon Days. October is when the salmon come back to spawn and there is a big salmon hatchery in Issaquah. It’s like a mini-fair. Except it’s not so “mini.” There were tons of people there. You could tell that it was in Issaquah and not Seattle because there was only one booth with hemp products. Every fair in Seattle is required to have half of the booths devoted to hemp it looks like. Anyway, we got some fair food and a salmon bake. There were salmon swimming upstream through the middle of the fair area and you could go watch them jump. My mom used to take us there when we were all little. It was fun to finally get to go again. (It usually falls on conference weekend.)

Posted by on October 8th, 2006

1 Comment »

Stephanie said

October 8, 2006 @ 3:49 pm

When Mike and I first moved to Issaquah, we were called to organize a pioneer thing to be a part of the parade at the Samon Days festival. They wanted this to be a multi-stake think with us in charge. Doot! I told them I might be giving birth at the time. They said that was fine. I guess it would make the whole pioneer thing realistic. We ended up moving a few months before Salmon Days to Monroe. Mike likes to joke that we moved to get out of the Salmon Days Festival.

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