Running on Empty

This week has been pretty rotten for me. I feel gross and keep feeling grosser. I went to the doctor’s and they are super natural here and won’t give me drugs. The doctor recommended the same box of vitamins so many times, even though Elisa has already been taking them. I usually opt to not medicate myself if at all possible but throwing up all the time and feeling awful either way just doesn’t work for me.

So instead they offered to give me an IV and acupuncture. Whatever works right? What a drag. For the last two days I have gone into the doctor to get poked and have the drip. I am still feeling awful and still throwing up. They don’t speak such good English at this clinic we tried, and that was stressful. It would be easier at a place where the doctor is fluent.

Chad came along to my first appointment and got an early view into to the wonderful world of feminine medicine. I felt so awkward, but I guess in due time he’ll be seeing a lot more awkward so I better get used to it. I thought it was kind of funny to see the total humiliation that a feminine exam involves. So sue me. After the doctor told me that they wouldn’t give me anything for my nausea nor my motion sickness for our flights in March, and that the baby must have sneaked in at the end of a cycle because we are only 9 weeks along not 11 like we thought, so I’ll be feeling horrible for at least 3 more weeks if I’m lucky, I was pretty sure nothing could cheer me up. But seeing a very little person on an ultrasound and a little heart beating was pretty awesome. The new projected due date is Sept 12.

So I am trying to imagine that I could possibly choose to do this again in the future–but that is pretty difficult. Everyone says it’s worth it and I am sure it is, but adoption is looking like a pretty nice alternative right now. As long as this one has those awesome blue eyes of Chad’s I may not be up for this again. That or we’ll make sure we’re in the states where they will drug me up. A lot of people say that women in the old days went through childbirth and pregnancy without all the modern things–those people seem to forget that the mortality rate was also not so good back in the day.

Posted by on February 8th, 2008