Movie Night

Yesterday Chad took the kids to Siena Mascaro’s baptism while I was at my Master Class. I guess Chad spent most of the time in the foyer with screaming kids and Alden gave himself a black eye. Glad I missed it.

We went swimming at the Murray pool after naps. Eden and Alden adore it there. I am usually pretty grumpy about going myself because it always seems like an ordeal. Chad always rallies the troops and gets us out the door. I am so glad he does. Every time we go we have a ball.

I started feeling pretty headachy and lousy so Chad came up with a great game plan for the rest of the night. Ahhh… movie night! Eden is now old enough to sit through a whole movie. We snuggled up in our bed with the lap top computer. Eden sandwiched between us with Giraffe and munched on popcorn. As soon as the movie was over she was ready to watch it again. 🙂 Instead we sent her off to bed. It was a great way to end the day.

Posted by on October 9th, 2011