Eden has been congested for a week now. We have gotten her familiar with the bulb for clearing out her nose. She hates it, of course. But Elisa manages to turn it into a game. Eden laughs to see the bulb dancing around in front of her face, then BAM! She still doesn’t like it. Elisa picked up a humidifier and some vapor medicine. Hopefully it helps soon.
We were worried because she hadn’t made a mess in her diaper since Christmas Eve. That’s not automatically a bad thing for a baby her age. She seemed like she was comfortable. We were a little concerned still. Finally on the 31st we got the awaited and anticipated mess. Straight to the bath she went! Chad had given her a bath just the evening before. It was amazing how much smaller her belly was after she got everything out. I couldn’t help but to be relieved and proud. It’s funny and a little bit weird how your perspective changes after you’ve had a baby.