Life ahead

As I mentioned in my entry about my master class. I often wonder at all I could have learned had I been enrolled in a vocal performance program. Part of me wants to kick this Bachelor of General Studies to the curb. I want to race up to the University of Utah and bang down the music program’s door until they let me come in and learn all the amazing things vocal that I never allowed myself to pursue before.

And then there is Shawna Gottfredson. God bless her! She went back to school when her youngest was a senior. She has had a rich and diversified teaching and performing career, and has a great life ahead of her to continue enjoying success. I am so grateful for a woman as accomplished and inspiring as she is to be my mentor.

I too have a rich life ahead of me. I’ll finish my undergrad degree next year (I hope) in family studies. It has proven to be interesting and practical. I’ll have time and energy to enjoy my young family as they grow. I’ll have opportunities to perform in recitals and local productions. Then we’ll see where life brings be and what will fulfill after that. But the life ahead will certainly be one of beautiful growth and success.

Posted by on October 9th, 2011