It’s raining, it’s pouring

The last few weeks, in between Renee and Jordy hopping around Europe, we managed to have some fun times around Switzerland. Sadly the weather was cold and wet for their last few days. We went to Bern and Interlaken on Tuesday. We successfully missed just about every possible train connection. We really should have stayed home and watched the rain through the window. The highlight of the day was Jordy and Chad playing giant outdoor speed chess. We were all exhausted at the end of the day.

Wednesday we went to Luzern. We checked out the Verkehrshaus (Transportation Museum) which was really fun especially with the weather being so bad. They had a special IMAX film on the Alps. Sadly that was the most Renee and Jordy got to see of them. Then we hurried to get in a few sites in Luzern before it was totally dark. Jordy is making a t-shirt quilt so our quest was to find a good t-shirt in each city. We were not totally successful so Chad and I have been given the assignment to find ones for St Gallen, Bern and Zurich to bring back to her.

Eden is getting cuter and heavier each day. It was great seeing our visitors bickering over who got to hold her. There is no shortage of people who love her. She was quite a trooper to spend two days in her carseat/stroller. She has got to be pretty happy to not have to stare up at a plastic rain guard for awhile.

Yesterday morning we said farewell to our Idaho mom and sister. As far as we can tell we are officially on our own with this parenthood thing until we take our trip back to the states in mid-December. That is unless we have anyone else who wants to visit and lend a helping hand.

Posted by on November 1st, 2008