Home made costumes are the BEST!

Chad and I had a difficult time deciding how we were going to economically look fantastic for Halloween this year. We made it work and our home made costumes are the best yet. There was a little family party on Saturday through the church. Chad was a Leprechaun (I do not know how he was mistaken for Brigham Young) and I was a doll though I was mistaken for a Who from the Dr. Seuss stories. So maybe our costumes weren’t so obvious–but we’re still proud!

After seeing the incredible skills my mom whipped out for her ward’s Halloween party I may just want to try running a cake walk myself next time! I envy her!

Posted by on October 29th, 2007


Christen said

October 30, 2007 @ 4:48 am

I LOVE your costume, Elisa… especially the hair and makeup!


November 4, 2007 @ 3:28 am

Great costumes! Very funny!

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