His Huge Pillow

Here’s a tidbit about Jasher: He can’t wear Alden’s old sunglasses, because his head is too big. We were curious and we measured his head. Alden’s head is 48½ cm around, and Jasher’s is 49½ cm!

Here’s a tidbit about Alden: Two weeks ago on the way home from church, Alden complained about being hot. He said, “I’m sweaty. Sweaty is Spanish for hot!” Sometimes he thinks he’s quite a polyglot.

Here’s a tidbit about Eden: Almost every day I give her a chess puzzle. She earns jellybeans if she can solve it. They have been getting progressively harder. Today she figured out this discovered check, and then mated me with just her rook and king.

[fen]8/4kq2/8/8/4N3/4R3/8/7K w – – 0 1[/fen]

I’ve been playing a bunch of chess myself. It’s my latest obsession. I keep playing matches on FICS, and hoping I can bump my rating up out of the beginner’s range.

Posted by on March 22nd, 2014