Today we visited Mt. Pilatus. We took the popular “golden roundtrip” tour with a ferry, then a cogwheel train up the mountain, then a gondola down the other side. Pilatus is also the first Swiss destination we ever visited, and now it’s one of the last, so it was our own golden roundtrip. Poetic, isn’t it? 🙂
The weather was great. It’s Memoiral Day in the U.S. today, but it’s a working day in Switzerland, so the mountain wasn’t crowded. Today was my first day off that I would have been working at Google (if I were still working for Google). For the next two months the calendar has nothing but Saturdays.
Pilatus has an awesome ropes course. Elisa and I both did it: tight ropes, zip lines, ladders, and jumping from great heights. Eden was a trooper. We just took turns. I’m always surprised at how spectacular the scenery is in Switzerland.