Baumanns Rock

I got a prescription for a pulled muscle in my chest this week. It had been bothering me for a week. First I thought it was indigestion, so I took Tums. The next day I thought I had cracked a rib. After another couple days it was giving me trouble sleeping and I thought it was coming from back trouble so I got a massage. By this time I had ruled out a heart attack because that wouldn’t last so long. Finally I figured out that if it wasn’t any of those other things, it must be a muscle pain. I had tried to get a doctor to look at it earlier, but the doctor’s office was too busy. “It’s going to take you 7 days to find an opening to diagnose chest pain?” I’m switching doctors now, BTW. After a while I found a clinic downtown that took care of me. I was given my first EKG at 30 years old. Elisa made me feel pretty young though by being surprised that I wouldn’t recognize what heartburn feels like.

I wouldn’t have been surprised if I had been causing cardiac arrest for Chad. We still haven’t gotten an approved proctor for me. I have worked ahead on the next units but I am going a little crazy. With Chad working later I find myself getting a lot done but being over-worked and frustrated each evening. I decided I’m going to start some solo day trips once a week to get back in touch with a world outside of my laptop and textbooks. So Rahel and I went with the kids to do a hike on the Zürich Ãœetliberg on Friday. We took a wrong turn towards the end and had to work pretty hard to haul the two sleeping kids and stroller up steep inclines and up stairs and down a very steep rooty stretch. It burned.

Baumann’s took us on another outing on Saturday. We rode our new Google bikes to their house. There might have been one fall along the way. 🙂 Who says you never forget how to ride a bike? By the way, my pride was hurt more than anything. Our bikes are still at the Baumann’s apartment because we were too tired to ride back. The hike was nice and the area reminded everyone of the Sound of Music. There was a church at the trail head with a wedding in progress. The girls wanted to stick around for a few minutes to see the bride. When the bride and groom exited the church, they got to release a bunch of doves. It was cool looking. Yes, for you guys that are asking, one of the doves did poop on the groom.

I taught two classes at church today. Months ago I accepted an assignment to teach Priesthood class today. And then I ended up teaching the other one just because the regular teacher was out of town. Normally the Sunday school class is taught in German. It was really hard for the students in there to go to a class in English. Only about half speak any English. Many needed translations, and many just gave up because the translation headsets looked too difficult. We’ve built our calluses up in our ears so it’s not so hard for us anymore. Elisa and I are used to getting translations at church, but lots of the older Swiss members aren’t used to it and don’t want to get used to it. Chad did a really good job of being sensitive to the fact that some people really didn’t like what was going on.

Posted by on September 9th, 2007