Baby days

At ten weeks old I am starting to enjoy this new mom thing. I am not getting any more sleep yet, but Alden has started to chirp and coo and smile every so often. It is so nice that Alden is becoming responsive. It makes a huge difference for me. I am really enjoying our little staring contests and just can’t give him enough kisses. He is such a beautiful little boy!

It is also nice to start feeling like I can recognize his needs and wants better. I am not tortured with wonder at what the problem is each time he cries. I can usually pinpoint the issue or non-issue pretty effortlessly now.

Alden is a really pleasant baby. He is very easy going so far. He does great on his tummy which has made him really strong already. We are also getting the hang of his sleeping. He is learning how to relax himself to sleep really well. Before naps we swaddle him and give him a pacifier. We have a song and sometimes a story (when Eden is helping). Then we just sit still and quiet together. Lately it doesn’t take long before Alden has decided he is ready to sleep. He turns his head into my chest and nestles himself in with his eyes closed. When I see him do that I put him in his crib and he does the rest. Phew! It is a really sweet time together too.

Posted by on September 15th, 2010