Last Minute OB Change

I was able to get a great OB doctor in Murray when I suspected I was pregnant. Right off they explained that although the doctor was fully covered by our insurance the hospital he delivers at and where they are located were not. They did however, assure me that we would be adopted in and all of my costs would be covered. They gave us a contact person to work with after we received a bill from the hospital.

Besides a few longer than my patience allowed waits and their no children in the office policy I was really very pleased with the doctor and his nurse. But when we began getting bills in the mail from the lab, the ultrasound, and the fetal specialist they sent us to in house, we began to get pretty frustrated. I left messages with the contact person they had given us and Chad spoke with her a few times and tried to work with her and contact her week after week. It was ridiculous. Finally, less than 6 weeks before my due date she got back to Chad and basically told him that we would just have to wait until we received bills to discover what we were and were not covered for. What!? We have good, expensive insurance, we shouldn’t be paying a bunch out of pocket on top of that.

So within a week we found a midwife that works out of a hospital we are fully covered for. Chad had to battle with the other office staff to get my records and help me switch. The nurse of my original doctor was really helpful but the other staff were defensive and pretty rude. It was so stressful. I got an appointment with the midwife almost right away and she was fantastic! I couldn’t wait to have her help during delivery.

Posted by on July 12th, 2010