Archive for May, 2009

And called it macaroni

Hallelujah! Chad made dinner tonight! Oh, come on. 🙄 No, really, I swear food tastes better when someone else makes it! Eden agrees. 🙂 We just couldn’t help ourselves and started giving her little bites of pasta from the tuna noodle casserole. The next thing we knew she had eaten a whole scoop! Chad is hoping that it fattens her up a bit. She is pretty tiny–not unhealthy but little for sure!

Posted by on May 26th, 2009

Our local celebrity

Dani Schwendener invited us to another one of her concerts. Each time we have gone it is fun to see Dani take the lead and get all the handshakes and hellos from all the important visitors. She is the concert master for the symphony she plays with. I just want to stand up and cheer and say “I know her!” She is great.

Debbie and Noel Tognazzini were in Zurich for a couple days so they joined us for the concert. They are such great people and I am so glad we were able to meet up together! Elisa’s right–they were really nice.

The concert was fabulous! The second number, a piece by Wagner I think, felt just like falling in love! There were a few times that the music gave me chills. There was a cool effect where the orchestra sounded like it was approaching from a long distance. They just had a recording of the piece that was muted and that was playing simultaneously with the live music. It fit in with the piece better than I can describe it, I guess. It is always so nice to hear amazing music performed so beautifully.

Thanks to Neide for watching Eden while we were there. We had only called her the day before, and asked her to meet us at the train station at 6:30. That morning, at 7:30 am, I got a phone call from Neide. She was at the train station already. She had been calling and waiting for an hour! Oh, no! 🙁 She thought we wanted her to babysit in the morning so we could go swimming or something. Both German and Portuguese use 24-hour time, so if you want to meet someone at 6:30 pm, you’re really supposed to say 18h30. Oops. Anyway, Neide is really nice. She was flexible enough to come by in the evening too, and watch Eden for 3 hours.

Posted by on May 26th, 2009

Golden Roundtrip

Today we visited Mt. Pilatus. We took the popular “golden roundtrip” tour with a ferry, then a cogwheel train up the mountain, then a gondola down the other side. Pilatus is also the first Swiss destination we ever visited, and now it’s one of the last, so it was our own golden roundtrip. Poetic, isn’t it? 🙂

The weather was great. It’s Memoiral Day in the U.S. today, but it’s a working day in Switzerland, so the mountain wasn’t crowded. Today was my first day off that I would have been working at Google (if I were still working for Google). For the next two months the calendar has nothing but Saturdays.

Pilatus has an awesome ropes course. Elisa and I both did it: tight ropes, zip lines, ladders, and jumping from great heights. Eden was a trooper. We just took turns. I’m always surprised at how spectacular the scenery is in Switzerland.

Posted by on May 25th, 2009