Debussy, Clair de lune

This week I have gotten a ton done. I have gotten a lot of school work finished. I even took another test earlier this week.  Now that the temperatures have dropped, I have also discovered the endorphin treatments of watching my favorite shows while pumping some blood on the elliptical machine.

Chad and I got to meet Mike and Christina Christian’s new baby, Joseph, this week. It was so fun to see the little guy especially since we have followed their pregnancy since we both moved here in January.  We are very excited for them. Chad is such a great guy, he made them a dinner they can heat up. I must be too used to Primary since he is taking over the Relief Society duties.

This week has been a stressful one with the Primary program being on Sunday. I have felt overwhelmed. I managed to take on too much as well as things I did not feel comfortable with. On one of my “I am freaking out nights” this week Chad and I got distracted by putting together our Halloween costumes. We weren’t quite finished when we were ready to call arts and crafts time quits. I got all anxious with all the messes that needed picking up but tried to go to bed anyway.  Chad got up and I thought he went to pick up some more– which I was feeling guilty for. But he came back with a CD and our laptop. He had gone and searched for one of my favorite songs that is just one of the most relaxing things in the world for me to hear. I do not think anyone else in the world would have know that that would help me relax. It was so nice to see how he knows how to take better care of me than I know how to do for myself. It is good that we can take care of each other. That was a moment I won’t forget.

Posted by on October 29th, 2007

Daniel’s Here!

We were very excited to have Daniel, my younger brother, visit us last week! Daniel arrived on Wednesday and Chad and I went to the airport early in the morning to pick him up. Poor kid. That flight is just hard.

Chad went off to work and I spent the day orientating Daniel around Zürich. After we had taken in the sights of the city we took a train to Luzern. Chad and I had been to the city before but Daniel and I discovered some new things. We got to walk along the old city walls and do our best not to inhale millions of little gnats.

Thursday, Chad worked again, and Daniel and I went on more adventures! We took a train up to Schafhausen where we bought some “rauchte Raclette” (which I discovered was smoked after a series of pantomimes from the store keeper). I tried roasted Chestnuts and may have eaten one of the last figs I’ll have for the season. Daniel and I also climbed well over a billion stairs to this fantastic fortress that overlooks the city. Then we went to the Rhine falls and we walked another billion stairs. We got to take a little boat across the river as well. It was so much fun and beautiful. I love Switzerland!

By Friday, I needed a break from all the fun. Daniel and I went into Zürich again and then went to the Uetliberg which is a great high point over looking Zürich. Afterwards we met Chad for a bratwurst lunch in the city.

Saturday, I played catch up. I got some work done that I needed to do and Chad helped Daniel figure out his tickets and plans for the next leg of his trip. I even planted my tulips! We went to Rapperswil in the afternoon and replenished our tea storage at a little shop we found there a while back. Daniel was off to Budapest late that evening. I was so worried when his train pulled away. But so far it sounds like he is having a great time and is doing well.

Posted by on October 26th, 2007


This has been a very productive week for me. I finished all the course work for my Family Processes class. HOORAY! Now I just have to wait for the tests to come. I also signed up for 3 other classes. I have started working on Family Finance, a Health class to fulfill those irritating general requirements, and a Doctrine and Covenants class. Elisa and I got to go jogging last night for her health class. We did a whole health test. Push-ups, sit-ups, flexibility, and my favorite girth measurements. I did have to do a timed speed-walking mile too. It was after that that Chad and I jogged. Then Chad showed off his skills. He sprinted a lap in 60 seconds!!! WOW! Maybe by the end of the class I can keep up. Yeah right.

We went to Jucker Farmart today with the Mascaro’s. They are all finally back from their 5 week trip to the states. We had quite a lot of fun walking down to Lake Pfäffikon and picking out pumpkins. They have a great little deli too where we got fresh pumpkin soup and sandwiches and fresh pressed apple juice. I love fall. They had a fun walk you could follow that had all the signs of the zodiac in gourd form. In German I am Schütze–“gunner.” Good times.

Posted by on October 13th, 2007