Pregnancy Bump

Elisa is getting close to the end of the 2nd tri. We posted pictures of the growing bump.

Posted by on June 1st, 2008

Stuff We’ve Done

It’s been about 5 weeks that we were away in the U.S. Last night we were so happy to be back in our own bed.

We bought all the baby clothes and supplies that we could while we were there. Everything is so much cheaper in the U.S. than in Europe. Even baby-carriers that are made in Europe are twice as cheap to by in the States. Thanks to everyone at Elisa’s baby shower.

Because of a short weekend trip to Phoenix, we got to see David and Mandy and Kindin. Even though we were only there for about a day and a half we had so much fun. Kindin is a cutie. But it was so hot! In the evening we made it out paddle boating  and that was great. We left a couple weeks before Jack was born. The next week we went to Idaho Falls for four days. We got to see Jason in a skateboarding competition. It was so nice that John was able to take some time off to spend with us too. We enjoyed playing games together and even made it up to Yellowstone. When we were in Seattle, we spent a Sunday in Bothell with Jeff and Sarah and Sophia and Jane. The girls were so cute! I can’t wait until we are close to family again and can enjoy more times like that together. Unfortunately we were only able to make it up there for that one day. We were happy that we got to see almost the whole family on this trip, (everyone except Jordyn and Chris).

We got to talk with Jeff and Lauren about their plans for the house in Newcastle. They have landscaped a ton in the front and in the back. Their taste is really good. They’ve put together a long-term plan that we’re excited about. The improvements are going to make the house look better and better. We are lucky to have them there. Elisa and I didn’t ever end up helping them with painting or gardening. The weather reports always predicted rain, so we made other plans, but the forecasts were wrong every time.

The rest of the time in Seattle we played some mad Bocce ball with Elisa’s family. I did very well. I am so pleased with myself. On Memorial Day we headed down to Northwest Trek, an outdoor animal park and reserve. Thankfully the weather was wrong, again.

On Tuesday night Elisa tried to do online check-in for our flight on Wednesday, but it didn’t work. It still wasn’t working on Wednesday morning, so she called British Airways to ask for help. The guy on the phone was rude and wouldn’t tell her why online check-in didn’t work. Then Elisa saw that our flight arrived in Zürich on Wednesday, but actually departed Seattle on Tuesday. We had missed our flight! All during our vacation we had been telling people that our trip ended on Wednesday the 28th. We were so sure of ourselves that neither of us even noticed the date on our itinerary when we double-checked the flight times. Or maybe we noticed that May 28th was on there but we just didn’t notice which column it was in. British Airways refused to change the ticket. So on Wednesday morning we had to go online and purchase new one-way tickets on a different carrier. What an expensive mistake! I still can’t believe that neither of us caught it. I guess that is what you get for being on the road traveling for over a month with multiple flights in between.

Posted by on May 31st, 2008


This blog post is meant to keep us awake more than anything. I can’t guarantee that it will do the same for you. 😉

We are slowly hoping to get over our jet lag. ZZZzzz ZZZzzz. The second leg of our flight was 12 hours long. Ouch. I watched Juno, National Treasure II, The Golden Compass, and the end of Enchanted. ZZZzzz ZZZzzz. <– Elisa is really trying to participate in this blog. As if our traveling wasn’t long enough, they canceled our first flight and they had to give us a completely new itinerary with a completely different airline four hours later. It was a long day.

We’re happy to be hearing English in the streets and the malls. We feel like we know what’s going on. In Zürich we’re outsiders still. We kept ourselves busy yesterday and stayed up until 10:00! And I had woken up at 2 am! Another long day. It was more fun though. We went to the Redwoods and rode a cool train. We played putt-putt golf on the Santa Cruz boardwalk. And we bought throw-away phones.

Posted by on April 27th, 2008