Henry Island

Chad, Eden, my brother Daniel and I all drove up to Anacortes on Friday. We met up with my uncle Todd who flew us over to Roche Harbor on San Juan island. It crossed my mind, “when did you ever imagine you’d be a operating a small aircraft?” A lot of people have asked us if we miss Switzerland and how we are enjoying being back in the US. We love it. I really feel like the sky is the limit with our possibilities and opportunities here.

We met up with my Aunt Linda and went over to their cabin on Henry Island. Jeff and Lauren came up a little later. It was so nice to sit out on the patio next to a fire, eating smores and just enjoy each other.

The next morning, Linda was kid enough to care for Eden while the rest of us went out to check for crabs and to see what the fishing conditions were. I love being out on the boat. I love the cold windy seat up in front.

We always eat great while we are there. We had a great time together. Todd flew us over to Anacortes the next afternoon and we drove back to my parents’ place. I crashed on the couch and Chad stayed up until 3 or so getting ready for his 10 days in NYC, training with Goldman Sachs.

Posted by on August 10th, 2009

Bear Lake

I love Bear Lake. I thought I would end up bored out of my mind just hanging around for 5 days. We had a fantastic time and I cannot wait for all the Parry’s to get together there next year for the reunion.

Jordyn and Dusty came up for Saturday and Sunday. We played miniature golf, hit some tennis balls and in the Parry tradition ate far too well. Jeff, Sarah, Sophia and Jane joined us for Sunday through Thursday. We watched movies, played in the pool and enjoyed having the girls together. Sophia and Jane play so well with Eden.

I tagged along with John, Chad and Jeff for a round of 9 holes of golf. I was official score keeper and cart driver. We went again later in the week and a played 3 and a half holes. After trying to drive the ball more than 15 feet three times in a row I decided to take a break.

We went down to the lake on Wednesday afternoon and I wish we had spent the majority of our time there. The water was perfect and a beautiful light blue. The sand was great for playing. We went jet skiing and had a blast. I managed to throw myself off. Chad and I went together and I could barely stay on. We were bouncing like crazy. The spray was totally blinding us. I was laughing so hard but tried to keep my mouth closed so I would bite my tongue in half. My legs felt like jello afterward and I could barely walk or sit for the next 3 days. It was SO much fun!

Posted by on August 7th, 2009

Eden Update

Eden is changing so much these last few weeks. Along with her first little tooth, five new ones have emerged all at once. Poor little miss. She loves to run around the house holding on to anyone’s hands. We are trying to convince her that she needs our help less by forcing her to go with just one hand. If no one is willing to chase her around the house then she grabs a toy and crawls around with a clunk clunk clunk of whatever she isn’t willing to let go.

She can stand up on her own, but she is still timid and isn’t so sure she likes exploring the new altitude alone. After coming into two story homes we have been practicing our stair safety. She can get up and down pretty well. We have also taught her the “feet-first” technique of getting off the couch. She wants to climb everywhere!

Eden began to notice animals a few weeks ago. We took her to the zoo while my mom and Gramma were in Idaho Falls. It was great too watch her understanding develop as she watch them. Now she is having an up close and personal experience with my parents two dogs. Eden has now climbed all over Sheba and gotten a whole lot of licks. She loves to chase Libby around the kitchen island (though I am not so sure Libby loves it!) and has been caught thoughtfully handing her food under the table to her new friend. The dogs are very gentle with her.

She is more expressive. We like to mock her and make fun of her when she gets all fakey whiny. She is a ton of fun.

Posted by on August 7th, 2009