“Mother of the Year”

There is no good excuse for the blunder I made today! Eden and I had just finished running off to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner. We hopped in the car and then got on the road back home. There is an intersection that I had to take a u-turn at to get to the freeway entrance. I waited for the all clear and then zipped around. I heard a CLUNK and thought the groceries must have been sent flying–I looked in my rear view with the impossible thought that it would have been Eden. I didn’t see anything and continued to merge into the lane I needed to enter the freeway. I heard a loud cry, looked over my shoulder this time and saw Eden’s carseat face down on the other side of the back seat. It turns out I buckled Eden into her carseat but forgot that the seat wasn’t secured in it’s base like normal (the base is in the other car today) so I forgot to strap the seat belt over her. What had I done!!! I pulled over (in a not so safe place–but I couldn’t leave her face down and screaming!) I jumped in the back seat, pulled her out of her carseat and held her, loved her and hoped and prayed she was alright! She is fine. She wasn’t super thrilled that I put her back in the seat to get us home, but so far as I can tell I am more traumatized than she is! Good grief!

Posted by on November 4th, 2009

Bad Karma

I had an elders quorum activity on Saturday night. I didn’t go because I forgot. It would have been better for us if I had gone though.

Instead Elisa and I went to Wheeler Farm so we could pick out a pumpkin. Eden mostly just wanted to look at the rocks, as usual. There are some penned animals that we tried to see. Eden had a little run-in with a bunny rabbit that was as big as she is. The bunny was behind chicken wire. Eden and I were right at the fence sticking our fingers through the wire. But the bunny thought that Eden smelled good and nibbled on her finger. We found three bite marks, and one of them broke the skin. 🙁 Eden had a look of disbelief on her face, and it took her several seconds to react to the pain. Then she started bleeding from the top and bottom of her finger. She’s a pretty tough girl, so she’s going to be OK. It’s a small cut. Within a few hours she didn’t seem to notice it. She also got her first sliver yesterday, but she didn’t seem to notice that either. We’ll have to go back and get our pumpkin later. I wish she were old enough to keep a bandage on her finger. She has a really high pain threshold from what we’ve noticed. When she does cry we know to take it seriously.

Posted by on October 18th, 2009


I started playing soccer again. It’s indoor soccer for now, because that’s what the work team is doing. The first game I kind of got sick I was so out of shape.

We’ve been able to hang out with Jason a lot now that we live so close. We walked to his house yesterday. It’s less than 3 blocks away. We’re so lucky! We’ll probably be using him as a babysitter a lot too.

This next bit is for posterity’s sake. My extracurricular activities have involved 3 classes at the BYU Salt Lake Center and studying for them. I have been working ahead when I have the chance and I am a few classes ahead of schedule. I sometimes think my classmates wish I would settle down and quit participating so much so class would end earlier.

To manage this Chad and I are working together. He wakes up crazy early, works a 9 hour day, then comes home and watches Eden while I run off to class Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I love talking to him about what I am learning. I love that Eden gets great one-on-one time with Chad. I love that when Chad walks in the door she lights up, drops whatever she is doing and greets him. I really feel like part of that reaction comes from the time they get to have just the two of them.

Posted by on October 3rd, 2009