Calm before the storm

I have been so content lately. I really feel like life is full of so many blessings. Even with stressors abounding I have been able to put things in perspective and remain calm. I feel like I have learned so much over the last few years. I have learned I do not need to apologize–I am doing good things. My degree may *only* be a general studies major but I am loving it! I am learning to deal with anxiety and stress. When things start to pile up I can decide what is most important and not be disappointed when I can only do so much the way I would like. Perfection to me is really transforming its meaning in my head to being complete not flawless. I am learning I am capable of really great things but that those things need not define my worth. I am learning to appreciate what people think of me but not to put too much stock in their opinions. Hopefully all this peace and contentment will not be too easily swept away by the life changing events we have coming up!

We are trying so hard to teach Eden about good coping mechanisms. We have to keep learning them even as adults.

So much of the happiness I have now seems to be a direct result of the things I am learning about life and about being me… Those areas of growth really seem to be correlated with Chad being with me. I went back and read our wedding website. When I talked about Chad it says, “Just being around him elevates me.” I had no idea how true that was and would be. I am not a big believer in soul mates or only one perfect match for romantic relationships, but I can honestly say that having Chad as my husband makes it obvious that Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need in a spouse.

Posted by on June 16th, 2010

Welcome-to-the-Ward Talks

Chad and I were asked to speak this last Sunday on the Importance of the Priesthood. I was already overwhelmed with my school projects so did not have high expectations for my talk. I ended up finding a few points that I was impressed with. Even so my outline was very flexible and allowed me to elaborate or not. When I got up to speak I was pretty pleased to be the second to last speaker. I enjoy speaking but it was nice to know that I could go as short or long as I wanted. I did not speak as long as I normally do. I am so glad I wrapped things up!

Chad is so much more interesting to listen to than myself! It’s so much more fun to hear someone else speak than to speak yourself! 🙂 Chad prepared a fantastic talk. I highly doubt people learned as much, or enjoyed his talk as much as I did. I was so impressed with the points he shared, and so proud that he was mine. I learn so much from him; it is so fun!

Posted by on June 16th, 2010

When it rains it pours

This last week I was overloaded with more than I thought I could do. I had to write a 7-10 page research paper and presentation, study for a final, write a talk for church, and do everything else before company came on Wednesday night.

I surprised even myself and was able to get my paper done by Wednesday afternoon. It worked out perfectly! Renee came to stay with us Wednesday night and I was able to relax and enjoy myself for her visit.

She let me tag along for some of her errands on Thursday. On Friday we met up with the Parry family at Lagoon. Chad was able to come too. I couldn’t really go on any rides but Chad was able to go on some fun ones with his cousins and we managed a few hours there before it started to get pretty cold and wet. That was fine with me! I was getting kind of bored watching everyone else play. John, Renee, Jason and Ellery came over for dinner and a game. We had a lot of fun talking and laughing together. Saturday John and Renee picked up Kindin and Jack from the airport. They’ll be watching the kids while Dave and Mandy are in London. Eden had so much fun with her cousins! We were so happy to have them with us. My goodness, more kids, especially when they are not your own, are exhausting! On Sunday we all had breakfast together and Chad and I got to speak. It was really nice to have family there.

I had my presentation Monday, tonight I hosted a Relief Society book club meeting, and tomorrow is my final. Meanwhile Chad has been working extra long hours and late nights working towards a work deadline. Phew! It will be nice to have a break!

Posted by on June 16th, 2010