Sunday school answers

Eden and I were having a pleasant time sitting out on the trampoline eating popsicles when I noticed a huge cricket on the net. (It was at least 3 inches long). I started to tell Eden the famous Utah story of when crickets plagued the valley and were eating all the settlers crops. They prayed for help. I then said, “Do you know what happened next?” Eden answered, “Jesus!” I laughed and told her she was right. Jesus had sent seagulls to eat up the crickets, which saved the crops. She must be learning a lot in nursery at church because I know I haven’t taught her that well!

Posted by on September 13th, 2010

Dance class

Eden has now begun her schooling career, which will last for at least the next 16 years of her life. She is in a toddler dance class that meets for 30 minutes every Monday morning.

She is learning to do some ballet moves. She is also getting practice learning and listening to a teacher. I think it will be so good for her. She loves it and I am afraid 30 minutes just isn’t enough! She sure didn’t like leaving today.

Posted by on September 13th, 2010

It’s loud

Chad and I have a theory that Eden’s fear of loud noises began about 7 weeks ago when her little brother joined the family. Ever since then she has been particularly sensitive to noise. Perhaps it is because she saw a bunch of loud fireworks right at the time her life turned inside out and upside down. It is just a theory.

Eden is very cognizant of sounds: sirens, trains, planes, helicopters, thunder, the AC unit, the vacuum, and just about anything that makes noise. She says “It’s loud!”

Today while at the hardware store we passed by some Halloween decorations. She recognized a witch from her Each Peach Pear Plum book and then we walked to the next isle. There was a full size skeleton that opened its mouth and said bwahahaha!. Eden lost it. She started to scream and cry and was so terrified. “It’s loud!” We immediately turned around and went back the way we came. This time the Witch let out a cackle. Add insult to injury. The poor girl was so completely frightened that I couldn’t help but get choked up myself. It was awful. She has been talking about the scary witch all evening. Hopefully she doesn’t have nightmares because I will be so heartbroken to see her scared and have so little ability to help!

Posted by on August 20th, 2010