Kicking It Up a Notch

We found a local sitter through an online service. She stayed with the kids during their nap for two days at the B&B while we did some not-so-kid-friendly activities. It worked out great. The kids got some really good rest and we got to try some new things. We were running late getting back the first day so Mick and Teresa took care of the kids until we got back. They were playing outside with the kids when we returned. They were so incredibly good to us.

First off we went on an extreme jet boat ride. It was like a 16-passenger jet ski. It was amazing to see the control the driver had. What a complete blast. We got an amazing view of the Huka falls too.

The next activity is something I have NEVER had the desire to do. But when I read online that this establishment was so confident and precise with their measurements that you had the option of getting wet anywhere in the range of your wrists to you ankles I decided maybe I would think about it, and since Chad wanted to do it. When we arrived at Taupo Bungy I changed my mind.

Elisa needed some convincing to go bungy jumping. How could I seriously consider jumping 160 feet–that is almost a 15 story building. I wasn’t concerned about the harness or cord safety. I was more worried about getting a giant dose of whiplash and/or Chad and I hurting each other in our free fall; we won’t even get into my potentially orphaned children in a foreign country. When I made my decision I was done. Elisa didn’t hesitate after she decided to do the jump. I encouraged Chad to go with out me.

In the end I had straps tightened around my ankles and the operators were counting down 3…2…1. Were my eyes opened or closed? Did I scream? I am fairly certain I hunched into a sort of semi-fetal position. Chad reminded me at the last moment to break our fall into the river with my hands. It’s really hard to remember anything about the free fall. I just have an image in my mind of the river way above our heads. It felt like we plunged 10 feet deep–but these guys were true to their word and we were only dunked above the waist. I held on to Chad for dear life after the dunk.

The worst part, besides feeling terrified, was getting ripped back out of the water. My nose filled with water and being upside-down gave it nowhere to go but my sinuses. I had the worst sinus headache for the rest of the day, until all the water drained out. I like thrilling things a lot but bungy jumping is one thing I never plan to do again. In the future I’ll trust my instincts. I don’t think I ever need to do it again either. Most other bungee jumps aren’t from so high, and they don’t end underwater.

The next day we went horseback riding. The scenery was beautiful but an hour half at walking speed became quite long. Maybe we need to take a lesson so we do not have to go at a snail’s pace next time. I kept wanting excuses to trot. Elisa and I need to do an intermediate ride sometime together. After that we went ZORBing. It is basically a giant plastic hamster ball with another ball suspended inside and filled with a bit of water. You get in, start doing the hamster run and then down the hill you roll. Chad got some ill-suited advice for our tandem roll down the hill which resulted in a number of colorful bruises on MY knee, shin and shoulder. Rude. But it was all worth it and really great fun.

Posted by on April 7th, 2011

Road to Rotorua

Even our 5.5 hour drive up to Rotorua was nice. The scenery was beautiful. There must have been a car show in Wellington because it seemed like half the cars going the other direction were restored classics and other impressive vehicles. We were welcomed to our bed and breakfast, Mokoia Downs, with tea and scones. The grounds were beautiful and we really scored on a great place for kids. We didn’t use half of the things they had that would have been great fun. We drove back into a little village for a quick bite to eat and some playing in a park before getting back to put the kids to bed.

Our first full day in Rotorua we headed to Waitapo Thermal Wonderland. We started out by watching them start up a geyser. They put a little soap in it to change the surface tension of the water and jump-start the eruption. Eden was excited about that and it was pretty impressive. We saw some hot pools and a very cool florescent green pool. Sadly we totally forgot our camera and were afraid if we turned back to get it we would miss the geyser eruption. I really expected to see dinosaurs pop up out of the palm and ferns so it is a shame we missed out on photos but Yellowstone is at least as visually exciting as this place was. Now we want to take the kids there!

After our morning in the thermal park we took a gondola up one of the hillsides and went luging. It was a total blast. They had multiple tracks down the hillside and then you took a chairlift back up for another go. We all went together the first time. Then Chad and Eden went on another track together. He said it was so fun that he talked me into taking her one more time. Lucky girl! I am glad I did. It was such a fun thing to do. The chairlift alone would have been great.

We got back in time for short naps and afternoon tea. Mick and Teresa had left us cake. Then we went to the Mitai Hangi (think hawaiian luau). The piece of land they have there is beautiful. We walked down to the stream and there were costumed Maoris peeking out at us. They were definitely in character. They looked pretty menacing. I tried to tell Eden that they were out there to protect their homes and families. She waved, but these guys were no Disneyland characters ready to give hugs and sign autograph books. Then we saw a group of them paddle up stream. They were shouting a chant and doing their traditional scare-every-living-thing-away looks. It was great!

Next we were treated to a show. They did demonstrations for weapons, games, instruments and the Haka. Wow! They are fierce. We had to constantly reassure Eden that everything was okay. She got pretty scared during the yelling. I forgot how threatening the Haka can be! Then we had a great big meal. The kids did great but we were all beat after.

Posted by on April 7th, 2011


We had planned to leave early the next morning on a scenic train to go through the Tongariro National Park. But we just weren’t ready to leave. We stayed an extra day and had a great time. We went to a wildlife park and petting zoo called Staglands. My day was made when a cute little potbellied pig came running up to us like we were long lost friends as soon as we went through the gate. He followed us around for most of the rest of the time.

Eden loved feeding all the animals. She got to touch about everything. All regular zoos are going to be spoiled for her from now on. Although Chad got a raw deal when a miffed donkey gave him a hard bite on the arm. What a nasty bruise. It was a beautiful park and was so much fun. There was a shaky bridge to cross and a zip line. We had a great time with the Ostler’s. The only bad thing was that it ended!

Posted by on April 7th, 2011