
Chad got a new calling! Finally. See how picked on I am? He’ll be working as the assistant advisor and scout master for the Deacons. There’s only two deacons right now so it is going to start off being a easy calling. He is going to do so great. I kept a special eye open today for the boys in primary who will soon be graduating and moving on to work with Chad. They are in for a treat.

We have been busy helping my parents tear down a shed. I stepped on a nail and had to get a tetanus shot this week. The missionaries came and helped a lot which everyone was really impressed with, especially my Dad. It is good to have them around and to feel the spirit they bring, even if it is in grubby clothes as they haul old lumber and work in the dirt.

We were all ready for a break after this week so we took a very long day trip up to Vancouver, Canada. My whole family came along. It turned out to be a bit longer than expected because Chad’s car got a flat tire while we were at a rest stop and we had to travel to the next city on our spare where we got our front two tires replaced. I didn’t remember Vancouver being so big or so beautiful. We had a lot of fun.

Posted by on July 16th, 2006