
We had a very normal, insignificant week. The only highlights are going to sound like reruns of old Chad and Elisa episodes. We played games with Tony and Rachel. We went to a wedding reception on Friday night, and believe it or not Mormons actually dance at receptions in Switzerland. We got to sit in on a mission lesson for a Portuguese speaker. We did a bunch of stuff around the house and went for a nice walk around the beautiful neighborhoods. And we discovered that the Green Lantern super hero is pretty lame.

Some noteworthy completions occurred this week. I finished my third month of German classes, unfortunately I have also decided to torture myself for the next four weeks as well. Chad has been working on a finance program for the last year +. He was able to run stock info through the program and it suggested the best financial track for our savings. So, by the way, we also spent all our savings this week to buy little pieces of paper that may or may not be worth anything in the future. Let’s hope Chad’s program is a winner!

The only other exciting thing that comes to mind is Chad and I have learned enough German to create a seemingly harmless German sentence that sounds like profanity in English. I still can not say some words in German without flushing a bit.

Posted by on June 10th, 2007

Runaway Train

We didn’t do anything this week, so we’ll keep it short. On Thursday I found out that I still don’t know how to read the train schedules. I got on a train line that I had never ridden before, and it flew right through the stop here at Dietlikon. I started counting the seconds to the next stop so I would know whether it would be too far to walk back. Then the train flew through the next stop, and the next, until finally we were about a half hour out of my way. By then I was in an area that my ticket didn’t even cover. I tried to get on a return train, and there was one waiting on a different platform. I ran over there and pushed the button to open the doors. The doors didn’t open. The train sat there for about 10 seconds and then pulled away, not wanting to take on any other passengers. I had to sit down and wait a half hour for the next train. 🙁 Poor Chad was so upset! When he came home and told me about it, that’s probably as close to crying as I’ve seen him. 🙂

Elisa is not sure about taking the next month’s German class. She has done 3 classes already, (3 months of 4-hour days). The new class isn’t as interesting and it isn’t moving quickly enough. I REALLY want to take the fourth class, for the results. Things had been going so well but now that the class is a bit less satisfying I’m getting frustrated really easy.

Today in Gospel Principles, or rather the English class, the missionaries led a discussion on the Holy Ghost. They asked what the difference between the Holy Ghost and the Light of Christ is. I have never had a really good handle on the differences myself, since I have known so many people who seem to have the blessings of the Spirit with them all the time that do not have the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Lucky me, Chad has taught me that asking questions that you think everyone might already know the answer to is not a bad thing. I confessed that I really wanted to know the answer myself. I think that it was a great way for us to teach each other on something we assume everyone already knows. I think I learned that we all have the influence of the Holy Ghost because it is a blessing when we follow the commandments regardless. However receiving peace, comfort and guidance are not the only blessings we can receive. Maybe when we have the Gift of the Holy Ghost we become blessed also by the other roles of the Holy Ghost. Maybe we are better prepared to be taught by the Spirit having made a covenant, and maybe it is only with the Gift of the Holy Ghost that we can truly be sanctified. I still have a lot to learn in this area but it was a great way to open myself up to new insights.

Posted by on June 3rd, 2007

Same Obsession, Different Words

On Monday all the Americans got together for a BBQ. One of the families has moved back to the states this week and it was a going away party. Most of the time we end up talking about how things are different in the States and when people are visiting home again. We also talk about how difficult German is for Americans. I wonder how many years those will be the main topics of conversation.

Elisa got me shoes on Tuesday and I am so excited! I have to give you a little background on that first, (so forgive the long story). I had been looking for new shoes for awhile and I finally bought a pair (size 43). After I wore them for a day they had stopped feeling like they fit. But the store wouldn’t exchange them for a different size by that time. I was really sad, because I had wasted the money on shoes that were going to be so fun but that weren’t comfortable. After that, Elisa and I went to the mall near our house to a different shoe store run by the same company. We went because we also wanted to look at dress shoe styles. I brought my first pair of shoes just in case they could do anything about it. No one in the shop spoke English. So Elisa chatted with them in German. She explained how I had gotten the wrong size before, and we wanted help to make sure we didn’t make the same mistake with my dress shoes. The ladies chatted with her for awhile. Elisa has learned so much German! They ended up going down to their cellar and finding a pair of size 42 casual shoes to exchange with me. It was especially lucky because they didn’t even carry that shoe style. I was so excited, because the shoe style is my favorite. I never could have gotten by in English like that. Thanks Elisa! 🙂

This weekend is another three-day holiday weekend in Switzerland. We get Whit Monday off, even though nobody knows what that is. Well, people know that it’s some Catholic holiday. Elisa and I decided to take a trip to Munich. It’s about 5 hours away by train. We’ve been walking around seeing the sights. Our feet are kind of tired. Some of the things in Munich that were fun are the Glockenspiel, which is like a giant cuckoo clock. And the Olympic park, which was used in the 1972 Olympics. And the Nymphenburg Palace, which is enormous. Unfortunately we weren’t prepared for the weather to turn cold and wet. Today we wore shorts in a cold drizzle. Yesterday while we were on a train Munich even got hail.

When we arrived on Saturday we took a train to Dachau. Elisa’s grandpa Walter Stabler was in the 69th Rainbow Division with my grandpa Jack Parry during WWII, and that division was the first of the American forces to arrive there and liberate the camp. Dachau was the only camp to be used during the whole time the Nazis were in power. They had a good museum. But the whole thing was really unsettling. We didn’t see anything that was graphic. We saw a lot of cells and barracks and read some sad historical captions.

On Sunday we did an excursion to Salzburg. The Old Town there is a good place to go walking around. I loved Salzburg. I tried to get Elisa to sing the Sound of Music soundtrack at each of the historical sites. She sang for a few of them but she was too shy to be on camera at every one. 🙂 I was really excited because I recognized so many of the places. There is a staircase in a garden where the movie shows the family leaping up and down the stairs and singing. We got Elisa on camera for that one. She thought she had sung the wrong notes (“do,” “re,” “mi”) during part of it, so she spent a long time singing it to herself to transcribe it from memory. She admitted to being a little obsessed. I do the same thing though. Sometimes I take hours to run through a math problem in my mind until I have it figured out. Elisa pointed out that music is all based in math too, so we decided that we have the same obsession but we just give it different names. Also in our tour group we met someone who had worked for Maria von Trapp after she had emigrated to Vermont.

Posted by on May 28th, 2007