Archive for April, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

Chad and I celebrated our seventh anniversary by taking an 15 hour trip from San Francisco waking up in the UK. The jet lagged with three kids we collected 3 car seats, 3 boxes, 6 pieces of luggage, a stroller a little worse for wear and a pack’n’play. We had three luggage trolleys to help us get from luggage carosouls to rental car pick up. It was absolutely impossible! I took one look outside on my way to collect the car and was overwhelmed. So we stood up the rental car and cancelled it later and made our way to the taxi center. We were in line for the two next cabs. The first was a nice older gentleman, the second was horrible! He yelled and complained about putting boxes in his cab so we put them all up in the first one, then he yelled and complained at Chad for the 20 minute ride to our temporary housing.

Chad and I soon discovered that our phones didn’t work after all, that the cabbies wouldn’t take a credit card and that we were definitely in a foreign country. It is funny how your view of things changes when you look at it as your new home instead of just a tourist visit.

By pure providence the lady managing our temporary housing lives just across the road and greeted us. She told the taxi driver where he could take Chad to get some cash. For the remainder of the day we tried to keep our eyes open and I tried not to cry. Not the best of anniversaries–but hopefully it is the beginning of something wonderful.

Posted by on April 14th, 2013