Archive for March, 2010

Stupid Uninsured Drivers

I went to look for our insurance policy for our Camry today. I couldn’t find any record of it in my email. Then I looked out in our car and I couldn’t find the proof-of-insurance cards. Turns out that we had only insured our Lexus! The Camry was running without a net. We went online and took care of it right away. We’re really not that irresponsible, are we? I know we’ve been busy lately, but I had no idea we were being criminally neglectful.

Posted by on March 28th, 2010

Easter Song with Jordy

A member of my ward bishopric called up a few weeks back and asked if I could sing a song for the Sunday closest to Easter. The program was already decided for Easter itself. I got a hold of Jordy and, lucky me, she was able to sneak down here and play for me. They sounded so natural together. The bishop kept making eye contact with me during the number and his expression said, “You are so lucky!” She is an amazing pianist and I couldn’t help but think that one of the things Heavenly Father has done for me was to have me marry into a family that is just as important to me as Chad is. It was great to have John and Renee come down with Jordy even in the midst of tax season. Jason came as well. We are so happy to be close to family again to be able to do things like this more often.

We did a beautiful arrangement of I Know that My Redeemer Lives by Michael R. Hicks, and it felt so good! I have been really trying to be positive and proactive about enjoying music again in my life. For so long I have let it become a source of stress, guilt and something that just overwhelms me. At any rate changing my thinking will no doubt take time but is already making a difference.

Posted by on March 21st, 2010

Eden goes to Nursery

Last week the nursery leader came and told us Eden was welcome to join them in nursery. Eden will be 18 months tomorrow and we didn’t want to take advantage, so we just planned to keep waiting. We are happier to not have to rein Eden in for three hours of church meetings and I am positive she is having a much better time herself. The elders quorum was sad to see me arrive to class alone though. She is such a fun little person! We love her tons. She has begun to say some words and we can’t wait for more to come. Uh-oh, hi, Papi, down, hot, no, and a lot of mimicking. We are loving it.

Posted by on March 15th, 2010