This has been a very productive week for me. I finished all the course work for my Family Processes class. HOORAY! Now I just have to wait for the tests to come. I also signed up for 3 other classes. I have started working on Family Finance, a Health class to fulfill those irritating general requirements, and a Doctrine and Covenants class. Elisa and I got to go jogging last night for her health class. We did a whole health test. Push-ups, sit-ups, flexibility, and my favorite girth measurements. I did have to do a timed speed-walking mile too. It was after that that Chad and I jogged. Then Chad showed off his skills. He sprinted a lap in 60 seconds!!! WOW! Maybe by the end of the class I can keep up. Yeah right.
We went to Jucker Farmart today with the Mascaro’s. They are all finally back from their 5 week trip to the states. We had quite a lot of fun walking down to Lake Pfäffikon and picking out pumpkins. They have a great little deli too where we got fresh pumpkin soup and sandwiches and fresh pressed apple juice. I love fall. They had a fun walk you could follow that had all the signs of the zodiac in gourd form. In German I am Schütze–“gunner.” Good times.