Top Memory #8: Dancing with Fred

Eden is, well, absolutely wonderful. She was so cute this week as she spoke like ‘Dora’. She practiced saying ‘hola’ and ‘gracias’. We also discovered that she can count in Spanish nearly as well as she can in English. We didn’t teach her that.

On the last day of our trip we went to a little activity they had for the kids with a Fred Flintstone character. Eden mostly just wanted to watch the other kids interact with him but she didn’t want to leave. They did a little dancing session. She was one of the youngest kids there but she was holding her own. We had fun doing a special rendition of Head Shoulders Knees and Toes to kid’s rock music.

When we left she asked to give hugs to Fred (aka Pablo at the resort). I guess a trip to Disneyland does not need to be too far off.

Posted by on December 22nd, 2010