Top Memory #7: Lady Guadalupe

Our first night in Puerto Vallarta was the last night of a festival celebrating the Virgin Guadalupe. We got to go out and roam the pedestrian packed streets way past the kids’ bedtimes with Dad and Daniel. Yummy food and great costumes on the few groups we saw who were beginning the procession. Eden was dancing and literally running circles around us until Chad finally just grabbed her and held her. She has an unlimited supply of energy. She was an airplane, then she chased bubbles, then she shopped. She never cared how close she was to us. The crowd was thick so I kept chasing after her. She mostly had tired energy and needed to have less stimulation. Then she was out like a light. I was exhausted too. Most nights I felt like we were going to bed at 11 pm or midnight, but the clock said 9 pm.

The best part of the festivities were the attendees. It seemed like the kids outnumbered the adults. Families were everywhere. You could tell the festival was local and not put on for tourists like ourselves. It was so family-oriented.

We had so many people telling us what beautiful kids we have. Many would come over and coo to them or lovingly pat them on the head as they passed. It was so nurturing and inviting. What a wonderful attitude I wish we could all adopt. Daniel and I talked about how natural it felt to just smile and be friendly with people there. I mentioned how in our culture I would be afraid that my behaving that way would make others feel like I was making a pass at them.

Posted by on December 22nd, 2010