Mama’s Day

We had a great time up in Idaho Falls for Mother’s Day. We decided to surprise Renee with a visit. Right as we drove up John opened the garage door and walked out. There went our plan of leaving Eden on the doorstep while we rang the doorbell and hid.

Jordy and I did a little musical number for Renee. Eden surprised me by coming home from nursery saying “Mama” and with a great handprint picture for me. Chad wrote me a note (my very favorite thing) and he found me a great elliptical machine! I got to talk to my mom on our drive back to Salt Lake. The drive to Idaho Falls still seems so short, so we think about it almost every weekend.

I’m so glad to be able to tell Elisa what a great Mama she is. Eden’s a lucky girl. Happy Mother’s Day!

Posted by on May 19th, 2010