New name for the blog

It may be time to change the name of our blog to: “The Reason Eden Turned Out the Way She Did” or “Chronicles of Imperfect Parents” or “That Explains a Lot” or “Reasons Elisa Would Fail as a Single Parent”. I could continue but I think my point is clear.

Eden has been learning to traverse the stairs safely. She does a pretty impressive job. I was taking care of just one last thing in our room at the top of the stairs, at my parents house, while she began her backward crawling down the stairs.

I thought to myself, “Eden could probably use some supervision. I would hate for her to fall because I wasn’t there!” It is pretty obvious that she did fall, right?

Well I walked to the top of the stairs intending to help her out. She looked up at me and perched up onto her knees. As she did she arched back too far and then there she went. Down, down down. She managed to twist into a barrel roll and then crashed on the wood landing. My words were, “Shoot! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!” As if each “No” would stop the next bump and ensure she didn’t brake an arm or snap her little neck. My exclamations didn’t stop her swift decent but she survived.

Had I NOT gone to HELP Eden, I think she would have made a nice, slow and calculated journey down the remaining 2/3rds of the staircase.

Posted by on August 15th, 2009